Monday, March 28, 2016

Spring 2016

Yes - the spring has been odd - a little late winter (snow and hail last week) and an early spring (weather in the 60's and 70's a few weeks ago) but that is a pretty amazing thing!!  Our vines are pruned, we are working on servicing the tractors and sprayer, working on soil samples and the spray program.  We feel the vineyards will start budding early but really hope that we actually do get a little more moisture in the coming weeks.  For all those that are complaining about 'being done with winter', I would say - what winter?  And we need the moisture so let's accept that April showers bring May flowers and that rain (not torrential downpours) are welcome!  So, we watch the weather reports daily and adjust as necessary.

We are welcoming the longer days, the seasonal visitors back to the winery and all the folks in the area for wine fests, wine dinners, weekend getaways.  We are ready to start the movies and are excited for the music on the patio (we love them in the tasting room but if there is a crowd, it is hard to hear at the tasting counter).

2015 was our year of survival - 2016 is our year of rebuilding.  And with that - we are rebuilding!!  The new deck is built so the Assemblage room will soon be in use.  We are replacing the overhead canopy in the coming weeks (oh yes, we are welcoming strong volunteers), we are working on getting the inside/outside serving window open, rewiring the AV for the movies, adding more speakers for the music and getting the front fountain installed!!  As always, our to-do list is long!

 We are on the eve of our 7th anniversary as a winery - April 10th is our 7th anniversary as a winery.  Our very first customers were Colette and her family - Colette continues to be a good luck charm for us sending us prayers and good wishes whenever needed (and they paid cash which was great since my credit card machine wasn't working yet!).  While they are not heavy wine drinkers, they are great supporters in all the ways that count - thank you!  The next set of customers (Bernadette and Christine) have become family - we have traveled to Italy, done numerous projects around the winery and they have been and continue to be a respite for needed downtime.  And, they are trustworthy - I sent them home with several bottles of wine the night I met them with no currency exchanged - they didn't have cash or a cheque and I didn't have a working credit card machine so we agreed on trust and they not only came back the following week with money but 10 friends who have also become part of the support system at Fence Stile - thank you!!

Along the way, we have met INCREDIBLE folks who have provided support, guidance, friendship, advice, muscle power and a shoulder to lean on (and occasionally cry on).  One of these great souls is Karen - you know her - you have seen her at the winery frequently.  She is the 'Norm' of Fence Stile - if you are a regular, you know Karen!  Karen has been at the winery before we were a winery - she has been at every planting party, every weeding party, shooting thinning party and most harvest parties (she only missed the 2015 parties due to health issues).  Karen is turning 80 on July 23rd and we are celebrating!  Mark that date - more details to come but the winery is celebrating Karen on July 23rd!

Well, the Assemblage room and deck will open soon.  We are enjoying our Soulful Sundays and painting parties (planning on a painting party where the painting is of Becca)!  We have a new winemaker (her introduction is coming next time).  We will launch TravelStiles in the next month.  The Cellar 57 space is almost ready, the labels have been submitted for approval and the wine is bottled!!  We are even considering adding the 4 acres of vines William had planned on - yes, we would love help getting those planted!!  And we are getting ready for the upcoming winefest season!!

Cheers and Thank You!
We appreciate your friendship and loyalty - Shriti, Amrish & Becca

1 comment:

  1. Let's make 2016 a great year of friends and family together
    We love your wines and the time we spend at the Vineyard. We especially like bringing new friends to try the wines and see the wonderful place you have built. Fridays by the fire or watching a movie. Saturday in the sun or under the tent in the shade with live music and Sunday because we celebrate our spirtuality under the sky with wine and friends.
    Keep up the good work! We enjoy all you do to make Fence Stile a special place. Thank you!
